The Clock is Ticking!
The Time for Clean, Sustainable Energy is NOW!
The world is reeling from the effects of climate change. A direct result of the conscious and unconscious damage we keep inflicting on Earth through our energy and lifestyle choices. Flash floods, unprecedented droughts, rising global temperatures, crop failures, groundwater level and salinity changes, and more are all the result of our decisions.
So why not change?
It is simpler than you think, especially when substituteing your energy demand for sustainable fuels with waste-to-energy fuels.

Why switch to waste-to-energy fuels?
Because it kills two birds with one stone…
- It tackles the issue of waste disposal by picking up things like human, animal and Agri waste, that would otherwise end up piling in landfills. It reduces the strain on landfills, prevents the proliferation of diseases, and prevents environmental degradation.
- On the other hand, waste-to-energy fuels result in zero carbon emissions, lower greenhouse gasses released in the atmosphere, reduced deforestation and reduced trash. All the while providing affordable energy to more consumers and industries.

“ We slash carbon emissions by a whopping 5000 tons and save over 200K trees a year. ”

Less garbage in landfills
Less ash and other residues
Reduction in waste volume

How do we contribute to the clean, sustainable energy cause?
- Accumulated waste deposits have stalled the development of many economies and waste segregation and recycling are still not efficient systems in most countries. We apply modern waste management systems to yield sustainable fuel through waste recycling and resource efficiency to show the world another way.
- By producing activated, clean-and-green briquettes using biowaste as a freely available raw material and utilizing production waste to manufacture cattle fodder and organic fertilizer, we solve both the waste and energy problems plaguing us today. Our pocket-friendly, high-energy briquettes lead the real carbon-free revolution in Africa.
- By providing affordable and easily substitutable energy sources to local consumers and industrial units alike, Alkebulan is reducing energy dependencies on non-renewable sources of energy that are also highly polluting. We also save trees by reducing dependence on firewood, and lower GHG emissions by lowering dependencies on coal-based electricity.