Our mission

Transforming waste into
a superior, sustainable fuel

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Our mission

Waste-to-energy plants tackle landfills, pollution, ozone depletion and deforestation

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Our mission

Uplifting communities, creating jobs and empowering women

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Our mission

Green now needs to go
big and go global

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Our mission

Transforming waste into
a superior, sustainable fuel

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The Path to Clean, Affordable, Sustainable Energy

Africa was the first to birth life, and it should be the first to birth the biggest, life-changing green revolution. We at Alkebulan strongly believe that.

And that’s why we are on this mission of substituting Africa’s current energy sources of wood and fossil fuels with cleaner, greener, more Earth-friendly fuels.

Our worth on this planet is not measured by how we live; but by how we change and shape here. By boosting the waste-to-fuel initiative with the adrenaline of automation and technology, we provide low-cost affordable and eco-friendly briquettes to industries and households. And we take our people with us. By upskilling locals, creating a self-sustaining circular economy, tackling local problems of waste hitting landfills and generating jobs that bring development.

We believe in our cause. Join us as we write our story.

We saw an opportunity

… in the inexhaustible raw material, that is our waste. And so, we used it (agricultural waste, animal waste and even human waste) to create a superior fuel that beats all your regulars.

We saw the gap

… where non-renewable energy sources were causing ozone depletion, weather pattern disturbances, natural disasters, and global warming. And there were few affordable alternatives.

We saw the market readiness

… from both industries, and consumers, to substitute the energies they traditionally used , like wood and fossil fuels, with renewable biogas and high-energy briquettes.

Why Choose Us?

Many a companies are changing the world with green business initiatives. What makes us stand out? As a company, we focus on our product, scale, and people, but our story starts with our cause.

Our Process

With an efficient and scalable process combined with state-of-art technology, we produce ‘activated’ briquettes using sugarcane bagasse and biodegradable agroforestry waste. We set stringent quality checks and run a one-of-a-kind remotely controlled automation throughout the process outlined below.

Our Process

With an efficient and scalable process combined with state-of-art technology, we produce ‘activated’ briquettes using sugarcane bagasse and biodegradable agroforestry waste. We set stringent quality checks and run a one-of-a-kind remotely controlled automation throughout the process outlined below.


We change the energy needs of Africa. But we also find a solution to our waste problem. So, we ensure our production processes create a minimal waste nuisance of their own. And that’s why we have three diverse product offerings, each an outcome of our production process, just at different stages.


We manufacture “Activated” briquettes that have easy substitutability with current non-green (coal and wood-based) energy demand. Our briquettes save trees, double the total heat output, and reduce waste. They burn 50% longer, contain less moisture, zero impurities and result in less GHG emissions.

Cattle Fodder

In the process of manufacturing briquettes,the production residue is converted to animal fodder. The raw materials we source from farmers thus go right back to them as cattle fodder which contains the right nutrient profile for domesticated cattle.

Organic Fertilizers

Like cattle fodder, organic fertilizers are another residual products of our manufacturing process. The processes yield organic liquid and solid fertilizers to agriculturists, private players, and end-user farmers within and outside the circular economy framework.


Here are some of the latest articles in the niche of sustainable, renewable energies generated from agricultural biowaste. These articles throw light on the future of this industry and its positive impact on the environment. It is an industry that stalls deforestation, creates socio-economic development, and reduces the burden on planet earth. View All Articles.

Industrial Symbiosis and Collaborative Economy

Industrial Symbiosis, genealogy of the term By industrial symbiosis we mean the interaction between different industrial plants, grouped in districts or at a useful distance to make the operation feasible,...
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Circular Economy In Urban Areas, Sustainable Strategies

As previously mentioned in our Blog, Circular Economy is the only possible development model for current and future generations. Nowadays there’s a crucial need to switch from linear to circular...
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Non-Carbonised Briquettes

In Kenya, non-carbonized briquettes from waste are a burgeoning part of the eco-friendly energy scheme. Briquettes are made from agricultural waste that has been sieved to remove large pieces, such...
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Animal Fodder/Cattle Feed

Did you know you can use waste products to make organic fertilizers and produce animal feeds? You heard me right! Yes, waste products can create animal feeds too. That sounds...
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Organic Fertilizers From Waste

Are you a farmer? Is your farming venture no longer profitable? Do you require increasing your yields? Do you need help in deciding which fertilizers to use? If the answer...
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Waste Management Challenges In Kenya

Waste management is a critical component of urban infrastructure and public health, and is necessary for the long-term success of any city. Proper waste management provides its citizens with a...
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Circular Economy And Its Benefits

Now a days our development system is based on the so-called Linear Economy, which exploits natural resources (mostly fossils) to generate goods and services, closing its production process with the...
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The Importance Of CSR For Companies

Consumers, employees and institutions are clamoring for a new way of doing business, which is more attentive to social and environmental issues. Businesses are answering by developing a more responsible...
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Advantages of biomass energy

When talking about biomass energy, there’s still a huge lack of knowledge on the topic.Wind and solar energy supplies are nowadays overloaded with information, articles and news, but that’s because...
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The importance of separate waste collection

Sometimes it may seem tiring and useless, but differentiating waste based on the material it is made of is one of the most important practices to be adopted every day...
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Use of Briquettes in Kenya

Briquettes are our main business at Alkebulan, we provide sustainable briquettes and enhance local sustainable cooperation through a Collaborative Economy.But what are our briquettes useful for and what is their...
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History of Sustainability

What is sustainability? Sustainability, nowadays is one of the most pronounced words we hear everyday, but what is it in particular? This is the main topic in the latest article...
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Technology innovation as a driver for circular economy

Technology and innovation applied to the circular economy are effective tools to adopt for the growth of start-ups, industries and manufacturing companies. But how does this system work and on...
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Non Carbonized Briquettes – What We Should Know

Alkebulan uses sugarcane bagasse to create its non-carbonized briquettes. There are 12 sugar mills in Kenya which produce 2.4 million tons of bagasse each year that still remains unused. Additionally,...
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Increasing local cooperation through briquettes

Enhancing collaboration As mentioned on our Blog, Collaborative Economy is recently born and still developing economic model that embraces very different initiatives and projects, from digital platforms where you can...
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Industrial Symbiosis and Collaborative Economy

Industrial Symbiosis, genealogy of the term By industrial symbiosis we mean the interaction between different industrial plants, grouped in districts or at a useful distance to make the operation feasible,...
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Circular Economy In Urban Areas, Sustainable Strategies

As previously mentioned in our Blog, Circular Economy is the only possible development model for current and future generations. Nowadays there’s a crucial need to switch from linear to circular...
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Non-Carbonised Briquettes

In Kenya, non-carbonized briquettes from waste are a burgeoning part of the eco-friendly energy scheme. Briquettes are made from agricultural waste that has been sieved to remove large pieces, such...
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Animal Fodder/Cattle Feed

Did you know you can use waste products to make organic fertilizers and produce animal feeds? You heard me right! Yes, waste products can create animal feeds too. That sounds...
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Organic Fertilizers From Waste

Are you a farmer? Is your farming venture no longer profitable? Do you require increasing your yields? Do you need help in deciding which fertilizers to use? If the answer...
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Waste Management Challenges In Kenya

Waste management is a critical component of urban infrastructure and public health, and is necessary for the long-term success of any city. Proper waste management provides its citizens with a...
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Circular Economy And Its Benefits

Now a days our development system is based on the so-called Linear Economy, which exploits natural resources (mostly fossils) to generate goods and services, closing its production process with the...
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The Importance Of CSR For Companies

Consumers, employees and institutions are clamoring for a new way of doing business, which is more attentive to social and environmental issues. Businesses are answering by developing a more responsible...
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Advantages of biomass energy

When talking about biomass energy, there’s still a huge lack of knowledge on the topic.Wind and solar energy supplies are nowadays overloaded with information, articles and news, but that’s because...
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The importance of separate waste collection

Sometimes it may seem tiring and useless, but differentiating waste based on the material it is made of is one of the most important practices to be adopted every day...
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Use of Briquettes in Kenya

Briquettes are our main business at Alkebulan, we provide sustainable briquettes and enhance local sustainable cooperation through a Collaborative Economy.But what are our briquettes useful for and what is their...
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History of Sustainability

What is sustainability? Sustainability, nowadays is one of the most pronounced words we hear everyday, but what is it in particular? This is the main topic in the latest article...
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Technology innovation as a driver for circular economy

Technology and innovation applied to the circular economy are effective tools to adopt for the growth of start-ups, industries and manufacturing companies. But how does this system work and on...
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Non Carbonized Briquettes – What We Should Know

Alkebulan uses sugarcane bagasse to create its non-carbonized briquettes. There are 12 sugar mills in Kenya which produce 2.4 million tons of bagasse each year that still remains unused. Additionally,...
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Increasing local cooperation through briquettes

Enhancing collaboration As mentioned on our Blog, Collaborative Economy is recently born and still developing economic model that embraces very different initiatives and projects, from digital platforms where you can...
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Industrial Symbiosis and Collaborative Economy

Industrial Symbiosis, genealogy of the term By industrial symbiosis we mean the interaction between different industrial plants, grouped in districts or at a useful distance to make the operation feasible,...
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Grow with us by
becoming a distributor

Grow with us by
becoming a distributor

Roadmap Ahead

Our Roadmap

Outline of Alkebulan’s Vision, and priorities over next 5 years. We aim to establish a market dominance in the Biofuels by expanding our capacity to meet the demand in Kenya.

Year 1

We focus on skills development and production process stability; improving the employability of our staff.

Year 2

Driving to gaining market share and 100% production occupancy with aggressive strategizing.

Year 3

Capitalizing on economies of scale through biodigester capacity expansion to encompass the benefits as lower consumer bills.

Year 4

Time to activate the fodder and organic fertilizer revenue streams by commencing live production and realising a true circular economy.

Year 5

Making it to 7 production plants in Kenya and exploring international expansion in greater Eastern Africa.

Year 1

We focus on skills development and production process stability; improving the employability of our staff.

Year 3

Capitalizing on economies of scale through biodigester capacity expansion to encompass the benefits as lower consumer bills.

Year 5

Making it to 7 production plants in Kenya and exploring international expansion in greater Eastern Africa.

Year 2

Driving to gaining market share and 100% production occupancy with aggressive strategizing.

Year 4

Time to activate the fodder and organic fertilizer revenue streams by commencing live production and realising a true circular economy.

Year 1

We focus on skills development and production process stability; improving the employability of our staff.

Year 2

We focus on gaining market share and 100% production occupancy with aggressive strategizing.

Year 3

We aim to achieve economies of scale through biodigester capacity expansion and then pass the benefits on as lower consumer bills.

Year 4

Time to activate the fodder and fertilizer revenue streams by starting live production and realising a true circular economy.

Year 5

Making it to 7 production plants in Kenya and exploring international expansion in Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia.

Meet The Team Who
Make It Happen

Meet The Team Who
Make It Happen


Co – founder & CFO


Co – founder & COO


Co – founder & CSO